Once again, I am a lucky man. Another natural disaster as a result of Hurricane Ida. Destruction everywhere, it is just another disaster, when we are experiencing one disaster after another these days. I hope everyone is remaining safe and secure, but I am pretty aware there will be lots of personal tragedies. Today, as usual, was a day for brunch, and that was nice. Just me and Sharon, and we tried a new place called Greenhouse Craft Food in Round Rock. Really pretty darned good, Sharon had avocado toast and I had grits with fried chicken and bacon. Really a pretty good place, and it was not nearly as crowded as places we usually go on Sundays. During brunch, I got a text message that one of my bulls got loose, and was being amorous with one of the neighbors (not the good neighbor) cattle. I guess I could have just asked him to mail me the stud fee and we could call it even, but I didn't. As of now, there are no more cattle out at JBAcres, We will work on the fields, weed them, fertilize them, and get them ready once again for some good grazing. It might take several months or maybe even a year, but it will be really good for the land, and the land needs it. All the cattle will be taken to the auction barn, and once the land improvements have been made, I will by a cow or two from Hightower, and I will be back in business. That 's the way it is done.Funny, not to have any cattle on the farm where there have been cattle for the last thirteen or fourteen years, Another passing of a torch. zThe more things stay the same the more things change. There has been a lot of change in my life recently, and I am about tired of all the change. I can't keep up with all the change, and it is starting to weigh on me, but I guess I t wiol aol work out one way r another, or not at all.It has been an interesting day,
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