Today was a nice day...I got up and walked with Jay for a while, then came back inside and watched
Sunday Morning on CBS. I did a little bit of putzing around, and then I got ready and headed to brunch with Sharon. We went to a new place (her choice, whoever's turn it is to pay gets to choose the place) called Urban. Eat. Drink. It was good, and it is a good thing we choose to go early (10:30), since the place was filling up like crazy. After brunch, I went on a mission to find some Mexican import stuff to supplement the stuff I already have to hang on the fence, but I am apparently out of touch fiscally with how much Mexican imported crap costs these days, so I bought nothing. Then I drove around for a bit, drove past the house Jody and I had up in Jester, there was a family coming out of the house, so I didn't hesitate. We moved into that house in 1994, and the Anaqua Tree (sandpaper tree) that I planted that spring is HUGE now. I came home and went down for a nice nap. When I woke up, I did a couple things out in the yard, then I worked in the garage for about an hour. I put about 15 storage containers of stuff from the farm up in the attic. My intention was to go through it and get rid of stuff, but I just put it all up in the attic. I may go through it in my old age, or I may not. I still have a few things I want to get straightened out in the garage, but I am happy with the progress I made. Today is the last day of the Austin mural series, and this mural is also just down the street from the office. I expect everyone that follows this blog (whether accidentally or on purpose), has see this mural either in person or in some other media form.
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