I am officially cattle-less, for the first time in about two decades. One of the bulls jumped the fence to a neighbors yesterday, and several hours later, and after calling a vet with a tranquilizer gun, all my cattle have been cleared off JBAcres. We will spend some time reinvigorating the land, all seventy acres, and the reintroduce cattle to the land, probably early next year. I still have about 165 round bales of hay that will be marketed for sale, and going forward, we will have happier (less wandering) cattle and more fertile land for more round bales of hay. It's Monday. There was an early morning appointment at the house, and that was done by about 10:30. I made an appointment to have the car serviced (the front passenger side door opens from the inside, but not the outside), and the appointment is for next Monday (Labor Day), and the repair will be made at the Curious House. I always doubt that they will show up at the house as scheduled, but they always do, so we will just wait and see. Then there were a couple zoom calls, and then on the way home, a stop at HEB. Saturday afternoon, Nancy and Dan brought me some Bolognese sauce and some spaghetti and some shredded cheese. I did not make the spaghetti tonight, I buttered two slices of bread, cut it up, put it in a bowl, spooned on the Bolognese, put it in the microwave, spread the cheese, and had a yummy dinner!
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