Last night was a lot of fun, there ended up being nine people at the wine and wise-cracking Saturday night gathering, and we all had a lot of fun. Yesterday afternoon, my doorbell sent me an e-mail that said its' battery was low, and apparently that also means that it will refuse to announce people at the door. So, I charged that via a USP charger, and all is right with the world. I sometimes amaze myself with my lack of knowledge of all things technical and electronic, but I know just enough to make it through the day! This morning was a walk with Jay, then a nap, then on to brunch where we had a record attendance (and a lot of fun), and then a quick stop at Homo Depot, then a visit to Trader Joe's, then home for another nap. I had been toying with the idea of going to see the new Aretha movie, and I had decided I would even go by myself, if necessary. I put it out to the Water Oaks peeps, and Deb and Jay were interested, so we went. It was a really long movie, more good comments than bad, but I will keep the criticisms to myself since I was not paid a zillion dollars to make the movie. What do I know? The coming week looks to be a kind of slow one, and I am hoping to get a few personal things accomplished. Next week is really calm, not that there is anything wrong with that. Apparently, Austin has received twice the typical amount of rain that would ordinarily be recored for the month of August TODAY, and we, just a few dozen mile not, recorded barely a trace. There is no justice, I will go back out into the garage and turn the sprinklers back on for tomorrow.
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