I am neither proud nor ashamed of what I report to you in this journal entry. As I see it, once you vacuum your house for the first time, you set yourself up for a never-ending trajectory of vacuuming on a regular basis. I have lived in this house for 226 days, and I vacuumed the house today. I was going to try to go a full year, but for some reason, a reason I cannot fully explain, I decided to vacuum this afternoon. I vacuumed all the wood bits first, and then I took a nap. After I woke up, I vacuumed SOME of the carpeted bits, concentrating mainly on my bedroom. And then I took another nap. I should be good for several more months, but it does put the kibosh on the thought that I need a housekeeper. I think I can take care of it, so there. I am having the Saturday night folks over tonight for wine and wise-cracking, and I am looking forward to that. Tomorrow there will be brunch, maybe a visit to Trader Joe's, maybe a little bit of organizing in the garage, and MAYBE even a movie. That sounds kind of crazy, but I am thinking of it. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so that may change the plans a bit.
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