I probably do not need to convince anyone of this, but I am really old. REALLY old. I will turn seventy (70!) in about three-and-a half months, so I applied for Social Security benefits this morning. You can apply for benefits within four months of the time you want to start receiving benefits, so I did that today. Even though I am old (REALLY old), I think I am doing pretty okay. As far as I know. I only have the predictable aches and pains, and I can tell you a couple days before it will rain. But otherwise, I think I am doing okay. But then I also just realized that it will be Friday the 13th two days from now. OMG! FARM REPORT: It is interesting that I don't go to the farm, and I am totally okay with that. I have filled up that time with naps, and I am really okay with that, too. I spoke with my neighbor Jim earlier this week, and they baled hay last week, and I got 95 bales on the first cutting, which is not too shabby. I am getting up really early tomorrow morning, I have to leave the house by about 5:30 to get to a meeting in New Braunfels by 7:30. It sounds bad now, but it will all work out okay. Friday is looking like a pretty open day, and there is an estate sale on the horizon, where I might buy more stuff that I have absolutely no need for.
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